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Dai Chunlin 400 Years Chinese Makeup Manufacturer

1. 400 years of inheritance

Shi Lian -- the 16th generation of Dai Chunlin, Mu Hongjun -- the 17th generation of Dai Chunlin, Mu Qing -- the 18th generation of Dai Chunlin.
More than 400 years ago, Mr. Dai Chunlin, a Yangzhou native of a family of traditional Chinese medicine, married the daughters of the Shi family, who were also from a family of traditional Chinese medicine. The four daughters had no children, and all the members of the Dai and Shi families were engaged in the production of Dai Chunlin's products. Therefore, the inheritance of skills and blood lines was carried on from the maternal line. To carry on such a representative, historic, heritage and cultural cause is a matter of great pride and a sense of mission.

After liberation, had Xiangfeng more than three hundred years of Dai Chunlin brand with the decline and fall of the Qing Dynasty royal family also came to an end, Dai Shi Shi two descendants also scattered the world, their own have been put into the revolutionary work, and Dai Chunlin 16th generation heirs Shi Lian in the age of the feudal xiu never told her descendants about Dai Chunlin's story, However, she has kept some old traditions of traditional Chinese medicine families in her living habits, such as eating ginger, soaking feet, and bathing with medicine foam. She is very particular about soaking feet. In cold and humid seasons, she uses mugwort leaves, ginger and safflower to soak feet, and in dry seasons, she uses salt water, soda and white vinegar to soak feet. It seems that the Chinese culture has formed an invisible mark on her since the beginning of her life and permeated her whole life.

MuHongJun - encrinite, son of sixteen down after back, with his study in the school of professional knowledge of the path to peace for mothers raise, smoothly into the thriving state-owned enterprises work at that time, for more than 40 years, spent most engaged in the production technology and new product research and development work, it was not until 2002 that the collapse of enterprises, Mu Hongjun also left his position as the last corporate legal person and went home.

Then MuHongJun are nearly 50 years, but from busy working rhythm of idle at home again, feel empty, the political and economic climate began to promote the revival of traditional culture, pop up the protection of intangible old, until now, from his own past, weak old mother in old wardrobe dug out a few clothes wrapped LaoDai chun Lin tin box, "Don't look down upon the iron box of these a few rusty stains stains, this also counts the treasure that our ancestor goes up to pass down", say is small talk, buried a seed deeply in Mu Hongjun's heart however.

In the four years after that, Mu Hongjun traveled everywhere to collect historical materials. He visited Yangzhou archives, libraries, online and offline to read numerous ancient books and books, collected ancient materials and artifacts, and consulted experts in literature and history if he did not understand. During the whole four years, he was immersed in Dai Chunlin's culture and could not extricate himself. He felt deeply that the three words which had been baptized for four hundred years seemed to have the preexisting and present karma with him.

In 2006, Mu Hongjun formally submitted the trademark registration application to the National Trademark Office. After three years of waiting, he finally got the official reply in 2009. Holding the three words, he seemed to see the dusty Dai Chunlin signboard finally waiting to see the light of the day.

Mu Qing -- Mu Hongjun's daughter, what moisten one's eyes and ears catch father to cosmetic raw material keep improving from childhood is strict screening, to pursue a skin feeling, do not have day do not have night repeat experiment of sameness. A product in the hands of consumers may be the final product after thousands of experiments. The "craftsman spirit" is inseparable from the formula, production, packaging material selection, design and management of the product.

Dai's family training: "Strict follow secret method (Chinese Han Fang), delicate and subtle, kid sou no deceit, honestly win the world, the world shou its training, Mo can slack."

2. The ancient history of development

Chun-lin dai, the Ming dynasty yangzhou people, generation of traditional Chinese medicine family, for the grandson at home, grandfather is deep love, his grandfather's court physician, and the famous calligrapher, painter dong qichang as colleagues, so the first year of Ming chongzhen, in 1628, when chun-lin dai in yangzhou forget street started the earth's first production of powder, sweet shop, It was Dong Qichang, a famous contemporary calligrapher, who inscribed Dai Chunlin's signboard. On the opening day, many relatives and friends came to congratulate the royal family, dignitaries. In the local political, economic and cultural circles at that time, it can be said to be extremely popular.

And what bring Dai Chunlin into the palace truly is Chongzhen Emperor at that time love Fei Tian GUI Fei -- Tian Xiuying, be born in an alley of east Pass street of Yangzhou city. In order to commemorate this talented girl, Yangzhou folk named the alley where she was born "Tianjia Alley". It is said that Tian Xiuying was versatile since her childhood, with both the arts and the martial arts. She was excellent in playing music, chess, painting and calligraphy, and was omnipowerful in Cuju riding and shooting. It was especially mentioned that she was born beautiful, loved plain face to the sky, and had a strange fragrance, also known as "fragrant concubine". Owe it all to chun-lin dai, have been the mother of the piano xiu-ying tian, sweet home with mother all love that cargo chun-lin dai, made after the princess, chun-lin dai for its special egg powder block, in order to carry, so there is the "the world's first piece of powdery cake, goose egg powder" (why call goose egg, because at that time, women face as beauty by oval). The description of Tian Xiuying recorded in historical materials that "her clothes, makeup and hair accessories were all popular at the beginning, which were copied from the palace and then spread to the market. Hometown Dai Chunlin incense powder was called to the palace, become "tribute powder". Tian Xiuying is because of the use of Dai Chunlin's fragrance fragrance, so that the body with its own fragrance, powder used to uniform natural look like makeup.

Since then, Dai Chunlin incense pieces, incense powder in the Ming and Qing dynasties were identified as the imperial palace tribute, so there are "palace powder", "tribute powder", "Yangzhou incense powder" reputation, noise north and south, Fang cover the capital. Yangzhou Dai Chunlin fragrant powder store, with Suzhou Sun Chunyang, Jiashan Wu Dingsheng, Beijing Wang Mazi, Hangzhou Zhang Xiaoquan, as the national famous big store and recorded in the Ming and Qing dynasties historical materials.

Qing dynasty · Sun Zhao 溎 "piece of yushan room fancy stationery record" : "chun-lin dai powder spread to generation since the Ming before, its to already a long time, the goods also." Dai CHUNLIN FRAGRANCE POWDER SHOP originated from the Ming DYNASTY, so the products are still very good after so LONG. When I write this sentence, Dai Chunlin has already become a century-old shop.

History: During Kangxi's 6 Southern Tours (1684-1707) and Qianlong's 6 Southern Tours (1751-1784), the local officials of Yangzhou often paid tribute with Chunlin incense powder and incense pieces. After the attendants brought the Chunlin incense products into the palace, they were very popular among the concubines in the palace.

Many classical novels in the Qing Dynasty have described and recorded Dai Chunlin fragrant goods. 1784 book "a dream of red mansions", cao xueqin vividly describes chun-lin dai sweet goods many times: "this is purple jasmine kind of ground on the spice", also borrowed flat son mouth boasting chun-lin dai powder "ping son fell on the palm, if the light pink, white, red, fragrant four nice, pat on face also easy even, moist, not like other powder acerbity sluggish." "North Jing king wrist 18 grains such as lotus incense beads", "Bao Chai jade shirted incense string", "attack people in the purse of two plum cake son", even when the hairpins face is used Dai Chunlin secret goose egg powder...... , qing jiaqing years, 22 of the "fill a dream of red mansions" a book back in clear wrote: "playboy xue trail of yangzhou on this time and get to forget street Dai Chun lins bought a lot of sweet goods back for the away..." .

When the Dream of Red Mansions was written, Dai Chunlin was already a century-old shop. It was the leading beauty industry at that time, and there was no comparable brand in the same industry before and after 100 years.

3. The decline of the Republic of China

Dai Chunlin from a shop in Yangzhou city to become the imperial palace tribute, open branch scattered leaves, other cities across the country (mainly Beijing, Shanghai) also began to have its disciples opened Dai Chunlin fragrance shop, became the first cosmetics brand with chain industry on the land of China.

Guangxu three years (AD 1877) : Ouyang Zhaoxiong, Jin Anqing wrote "Spring talking in the water window" cloud: the country's famous shops, such as Dai Chunlin in Yangzhou, Sun Chunyang in Suzhou, Wu Dingsheng in Jiashan, the king of the capital, Zhang Xiaoquan in Hangzhou, are known all over the world, real goods, sou Sou...... Excellent product quality, good corporate culture, and orderly management systems that support the brand more than two hundred years, is a how a national in the last century, which also Dai Chun forest products in Ming and qing dynasties popular way, become a real luxury, mainstream consumer groups are in the palace concubine, dignitaries, a large house, folk diva. There are even "actors without Dai Chunlin refused to stage" said.

The Beijing Local Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty said: "The country's famous big stores, such as Yangzhou's Dai Chunlin fragrance powder shop......" The prosperity of the streets was marked by whether Dai Chunlin was stationed. Shanghai Local Chronicles reported that Dai Chunlin had 30 to 40 semicolons at the same time in Shanghai Dijinli (now Shanxi Middle Road area), such as: Shanghai LaoDai spring powder bureau, China record chun-lin dai Lin, LaoDai spring ", "long ji Lin," yao ji ", "promotion", "by ear", "hutchison", "just", "down", "xin ji", "zhong ji", "ji jiang", "male" remember... At this time Dai Chunlin has reached a peak of development.

In the late qing and early republic, with the decline of the royal palace, exit, Dai Chun forest products for the main market collapsed, the resulting is also a fake fake the sham as the genuine became prevalent in the folk, 1936 new jiangsu newspaper supplement the author of yangzhou zhuzhi poems as basic data, wang have to qing xing I lay the fake chun-lin dai described phenomenon gives blunt revealed: "Thick fragrance on the front of the dress, ice musk dragon saliva drunk customer heart, the authenticity of mixed dishes difficult to identify, banknotes pass countless Dai Chunlin. Meaning: Thick aroma is full of the whole street, countless Dai Chunlin shops are true and false difficult to distinguish.

We don't have an exact date for when Dai Chunlin went out of business, The most recent record of Dai Chunlin in our hands is a photo taken by Jack Birns, an American photographer, in 1949, titled "The Last Glimpse of the Republic of China" (------). In the picture, Dai Chunlin's old shop is located at No. 245, the intersection between Fangbing Middle Road and Chenghuang Temple in old Shanghai, adjacent to Yisheng Hall. It proved that it was still a famous old shop in the old Shanghai fragrant powder industry at that time.

4. A hundred years of inheritance of Chinese crafts

Dai Chunlin refined and processed natural herbs, plants and minerals by means of the original fumigating, honey dyeing and mixed dyeing methods of a family of traditional Chinese medicine, the method of hiding in ground for three years in a VAT, the method of liquor leaching and wood steaming and concentration extraction, and the method of washing and precipitation of duiche-powder, which created the history of Chinese civilization in the beauty industry of the natural Chinese version of "Qianjin five-spice".

The meaning of gold spichan: spichan: incense pieces (sachet, incense beads, incense finger, etc.), incense powder (duck egg powder, powder, powder, etc.), incense oil (osmanthus fragrans head oil, mainly hair care), incense dai (eyebrow Dai cream for facial makeup, rouge, mouth fat), incense ointment (skin care cream, etc.). The daughter refers to the daughter of the young lady, but also another implication "one thousand two gold can buy spiciness", enough to show that the Dai Chunlin makeup of the precious, so there is a cloud "beauty a fragrant, poor man half moon food".

5. Modern technology and development

Yangzhou Daichunlin Cosmetics Co., Ltd. was established in 2009, more than 10 years.

(For the customer, do you still use the ancient recipe for production?) Under the management of modern laws and regulations, sanitary conditions are 100 times more demanding than in ancient times. Whether in the product composition or production process to take the ancient heritage of the essence, to the ancient backward dross. Take two examples: the spices of ancient Dai Chunlin were picked and extracted according to the local flowers in season, which had a very large time limit. In modern times, flower essential oils of four seasons can be bought anytime and anywhere. Of course, the price difference between synthetic essence and natural essential oil is more than ten times, so we must choose natural flower essential oils that have been strictly screened by us. Our partner has 100 mu of flower fields.

Second example of preservatives, no preservative products in the extensive s may not be able to survive, but we can ensure that we use natural preservatives must be in the range of allowable national legal minimum usage, even we sold in some products such as (ruby cream, roasted snow) must be refrigerated during summer heat preservation, Otherwise, the instability of the product will bring some trouble to our sales market.

The company is the development of the business, March 15, 2012 we in Yangzhou Dongguan Street after the first entity store opened, by the parties to the government, the media, cultural and historical experts attention, Yangzhou famous history experts, Yangzhou history and culture Research Institute director Wei Minghua praised: "Yangzhou old famous makeup, dumping beauty to Shanghai. Only to see Dai Chunlin again after a hundred years of incense."

At the same time, we keep improving the product quality together with classical packaging design, quickly by the market recognition, visitors from all over the world at packaging to buy back is only for entertainment, but person after the trial have been acclaimed "quality really didn't lose international brands", including CongShangZhe, have pure hobby repeat customers have confidence in our brand said, And taking our branded stores all over the country.

So far, Yangzhou Daichunlin Cosmetics Co., Ltd. has opened a total of more than 50 stores in the mainland, Hong Kong and other tourist attractions. Our pace is very stable, delight in the start stage, we don't have a sales force a lot of classical culture lovers, the Chinese suitors for our love and support, comfort is imported brand monopoly in the international beauty makeup market today, we chun-lin dai in opening a Chinese Renaissance difficult road still get the recognition of domestic and foreign markets.

In the spring of 2016, when a European tourist was traveling in Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, he accidentally saw the antique Dai Chunlin. Out of interest, he bought some samples and took them home. After trying them out, she was surprised that the cosmetics made in China were of such good quality that they were no better than the international brands she used everyday. She sent her products to local professional institutions for testing, and obtained the EU certified SGS test report, which shows the excellent quality of our products. A chance encounter prompted the European tourist to decide to open up the European market for us, which is currently in the further stage of consultation.

6. Corporate culture

We are small, but over the past few years, chun-lin dai in the industry but it may be said to be reckoned with, the influence of huzhou city in zhejiang province in 2015 the government building of "beauty makeup town" with Chinese characteristics at the same time invited chun-lin dai relocation huzhou, give us the most generous policy, the most powerful support, the most advantage of location, MuHongJun or declined after think twice, "Dai Chunlin is a Yangzhou brand," he said. "It was born in Yangzhou and grew up in Yangzhou. Without Yangzhou, it lost a lot of historical significance."
In recent years, venture capital firms and industry giants that have been seeking our cooperation have all been rejected, Mu said: "Chun-lin dai is a classic handed down from ancient times, we do not not strong, too, we should learn from European classical watch shop, learn from Japan the craftsmen of the best, find their own position, don't go rushing around capital markets work route, big big v I don't want to chun-lin dai to suffer the fate of the second, our goal is to be after many years, When people mention Dai Chunlin, they know that it exists in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. It is not big, but it is unique. Just like our ancestors, we will protect this inherited culture with generations of life and permanently stand the essence of Chinese beauty makeup in the world."
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Founded in 1628, Dai Chun Lin is China's first facial cosmetics.

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